Friday, November 25, 2011
Friday.November.25.2011 Opening Party Cirque De Boudoir Presents: Propaganda @ Le Belmont (4483...

Saturday, November 26, 2011
Saturday.November.26.2011 Main PartyCirque De Boudoir & Subspace present: Torture Garden Mon...

Sunday, November 27, 2011
Sunday.November.27.2011 Closing PartyCirque De Boudoir & Subspace present: Torture Garden Mo...
Thank you!
We want to give a HUGE THANK YOU to every one of you who came out for Torture Garden Montreal!
We love creating events for you guys and hope that you all had a great
time. We greatly appreciate the support of the community as we work hard
to make these events for everyone to enjoy.
This project was
years in the making, ever since we started CDB and looked to Torture
Garden in London UK for inspiration. After performing for them in London
on 2 occasions and DJing at TG Toronto the past 2 years, Cirque De
Boudoir had the opportunity to bring TG to Montreal for the first time
ever! It was an amazing weekend with 3 awesome parties and after
parties! Attended by people from all over the country, internationally
as well as getting a lot of local support, it was our biggest project to
date and we are still feeling the effects of this massive weekender!
The main night at Bain Mathieu was a very memorable event with so much
eye candy and top notch performances .
We want to give a MASSIVE THANK YOU to all our staff, of which there were many to help us pull this off, including: DJs: David TG, Allen TG, Xris SMack!, & TERROR.chic; Performers:
Empress Stah, Madeleine Horn, Tony Vice & Petite Pandora, Visha
Loo, Bella Obscura, Mimi Cherry, Pierre Black, Pat Pierce, Mike Tessier,
Danielle Hubbard & Nebula X; Fashion Shows: Ms V (Veronika Starr), Kaori's Latex Dreams, Madria Latex Designs, Polymorphe, Priape, Xander Star Designs, and all the models from each night; Behind the scenes: Carl-André Girard, Andréane Kébreau, Pooch, JP Ouellette, Dunter Franck, the DMs, makeup artists, hairstylists, etc; After party producers: Isabeau & Sebastien FS, & Vid Vicious.
This list is far from complete as we had 100+ staff members for the
weekend - we could not have produced such a world class event without
all of you! We love you and thank you for your support and assistance
throughout this massive weekend!!
Even though Torture Garden
Montreal is over for 2011, we are already starting to plan for TGM 2012!
We are happy about this first year and are working to make next year
even MORE fabulous!!
Sign up to the list to get all the updates and latest news on Torture Garden Montreal. More updates and info coming soon.